
Poet Keith Kopka Headshot Poetry

Keith Kopka is the recipient of the 2019 Tampa Review Prize for his debut collection of poems, Count Four (University of Tampa Press, 2020). His poetry and criticism have recently appeared in publications such as Best New PoetsMid-American ReviewNew Ohio ReviewBerfroisNinth Letter, the International Journal of the Book, and many others. He is also the author of the critical text, Asking a Shadow to Dance: An Introduction to the Practice of Poetry (GRL 2018) and the recipient of the International Award for Excellence from the Books, Publishing & Libraries Research Network. Kopka is the Director of Operations for Writers Resist and a Senior Editor at Narrative Magazine. Born and raised in Providence, Rhode Island, Keith spent many years touring the country in punk and hardcore bands. Currently, he directs the low-res MFA Program at Holy Family University in Philadelphia.